- A. Lehmann, W. Lowen, Filtered derived categories of curved deformations (2024) | arXiv
- V.
Borges Marques, W. Lowen, A. Mertens, Deformations of quasi-categories in modules (2023) | arXiv
- H. Dinh Van, L. Hermans, W. Lowen, Box operads and higher Gerstenhaber brackets (2023) | arXiv
- W. Lowen, A. Mertens, Frobenius templicial modules and the dg-nerve (2023) | arXiv
- F. Genovese, W. Lowen, M. Van den Bergh, t-structures on dg-categories and derived deformations (2022) | arXiv
- P. Belmans, W. Lowen, S. Okawa, A. T. Ricolfi, Deformation theory for a morphism in the derived category with fixed lift of the codomain, appendix in: P. Belmans, S. Okawa and A. T. Ricolfi, Moduli spaces of semiorthogonal decompositions in families (2020) | arXiv
- W. Lowen, M. Van den Bergh, The curvature problem for formal and infinitesimal deformations (2015) | arXiv
- W. Lowen, A. Mertens, Enriched quasi-categories and the templicial homotopy coherent nerve, Alg. Geom. Topol. (2024) | arXiv
- W. Lowen, M. Sioen, W. Van den Haute, Generalised spectra and Applications to finite distributive lattices, J. Pure Applied Algebra 228:6 (2024) | pdf
- W. Lowen, M. Van den Bergh, The B_infinity-structure on the derived endomorphism algebra of the unit in a monoidal category, Internat. Math. Res. Notices, 2 (2023) rnab207, doi.org/101093/imrn/rnab207 | arXiv
- H. Dinh Van, L. Hermans, W. Lowen, Operadic structure on the Gerstenhaber-Schack complex for prestacks, Selecta Mathematica - New Series 28 vol 3 (2022) | pdf | arXiv
- W. Lowen, J. Ramos González, On the tensor product of well generated DG categories, J. Pure Applied Algebra, 226:3 (2022) | pdf | arXiv
- F. Genovese, W. Lowen, M. Van den Bergh, t-structures and twisted complexes on derived injectives, Advances in Mathematics 387, (2021) | pdf | arXiv
- W. Lowen, M. Sioen, W. Van den Haute, Frames of continuous functions, Topology Appl., 273 (2020), doi:10.1016/j.topol.2019.1069741
- L. Liu, W. Lowen, Hochschild cohomology of projective hypersurfaces, Internat. Math. Res. Notices, (2019), Vol 10, 3076-3129, doi:10.1093/imrn/rnx216 | pdf
- O. De Deken, W. Lowen, Filtered cAc-categories and functor categories, Appl. Categor. Struct. 26 (2018) 943-996, doi 10.1007/s10485-018-9526-2 | pdf | Sharedlt
- H. Dinh Van, W. Lowen, The Gerstenhaber-Schack complex for prestacks, Advances in Math. 330 (2018) 173-228, doi.org/10.1016/jaim.2018.02.023 | pdf | arXiv
- W. Lowen, J. Ramos González, B. Shoikhet, On the tensor product of linear sites and Grothendieck categories, Internat. Math. Res. Notices, (2017), doi: 10.1093/imrn/rnx072 | pdf | arXiv
- H. Dinh Van, L. Liu, W. Lowen, Non-commutative deformations and quasi-coherent modules, Selecta Mathematica 23 (2) (2017) 1061-1119, doi 10.1007/s00029-016-0263-9 | pdf | arXiv
- W. Lowen, J. Mestdagh, Tensor Functional Topology, Appl. Categor. Struct. 24 (2016) 569-604 doi 10.1007/s10485-015-9423-x | pdf
- D. Kaledin, W. Lowen, Cohomology of exact categories and (non-)additive sheaves, Advances Math. 272, (2015), 652-698, doi10.1016/jaim.2014.11.016 | pdf | arXiv
- W. Lowen, Linearized topologies and deformation theory, Topology Appl. 200 (2016) 176-211 doi 10.2016/j.topol.2015.12.019 | pdf
- W. Lowen, Hochschild cohomology with support, Internat. Math. Res. Notices (2015), Vol 2015 (13), 4741-4812, doi: 10.1093/imm/ru079 | pdf | arXiv
- W. Lowen, M. Van den Bergh, On compact generation of deformed schemes, Advances in Math. 244 (2013) 441-464 doil0.1016/j.aim.2013.04.024 | pdf | arXiv
- O. De Deken, W. Lowen, On deformations of triangulated models, Advances in Math. 243 (2013) 330-374 doi/10.1016/j.aim.2013.04.013 | pdf | arXiv
- W. Lowen, J. Mestdagh, Functional topology for geometric settings, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 217 (2013) 2180-2197, doi/10.1016/j-jpaa.2013.02.006 | pdf
- W. Lowen, Grothendiek categories and their deformations with an application to schemes, Matematica Contemporanea, 41 (2012) 27-48 | pdf
- O. De Deken, W. Lowen, Abelian and derived deformations in the presence of Z-generating geometric helices, J. Noncommut. Geom.,(2011) 477-505 | pdf | arXiv
- W. Lowen, M. Van den Bergh, A Hochschild cohomology Comparison Theorem for prestacks, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 363 (2011) 949-968 | pdf | arXiv arXiv:0905.2354
- B. Keller, W. Lowen, P. Nicolas, On the (non)vanishing of some "derived" categories of curved dg algebras, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 214 (2009) 1271-1284
doi:10.1016/J.Jpaa.2009.10.011 | pdf | arXiv
- B. Keller, W. Lowen, On Hochschild cohomology and Morita deformations, Internat. Math. Res. Notices 17 (2009) 3221-3235, doi: 10.1093/imrp/rnp050 | pdf
- W. Lowen, Hochschild cohomology, the characteristic morphism and derived deformations, Compositio Math. Vol 144 (6) (2008) 1557-1580 | IHES prepublication M/07/26 | pdf | arXiv
- W. Lowen, Hochschild cohomology of presheaves as map-graded categories, Internat. Math. Res. Notices Vol 2008, ID 118 (2008) doi: 10.1093/imr/rnn118 | pdf
- W. Lowen, A sheaf of Hochschild complexes on quasi-compact opens, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 136 (9) (2008) 3045-3050 | pdf | arXiv
- W. Lowen, Algebroid prestacks and deformations of ringed spaces, Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. 360 (2008) 1631-1660 | pdf | arXiv
- W. Lowen, M. Van den Bergh, Deformation theory of Abelian categories, Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. 358 (12) (2006) 5441-5483 | pdf | arXiv
- W. Lowen, Obstruction theory for objects in Abelian and derived categories, Communications in Algebra 33 (9) (2005) 3195-3223 | pdf | arXiv
- W. Lowen, M. Van den Bergh, Hochschild cohomology of Abelian categories and ringed spaces, Advances in Math. 198 (1) (2005) 172-221 | pdf | arXiv
- W. Lowen, A generalization of the Gabriel-Popescu theorem, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 190 (2004) 197-211 | pdf
Oberwolfach reports
- W. Lowen, Hochschild cohomology with support, OWR-Oberwolfach reports EMS Publishing House, in Interactions between algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra, Vol 11, issue 2, (2014), 1377-1382 (2014), doi 10.4171/OWR/2014/25 | pdf
- W. Lowen, Deformations of linear sites and projective schemes, OWR-Oberwolfach reports EMS Publishing House Interactions between algebraic geometry and noncommutative algebra (2010) doi: 10.4171/OWR/2010/22
- W. Lowen, On the Gabriel-Popescu theorem, OWR-Oberwolfach reports EMS Publishing House Thick subcategories - Classification and Applications Vol 3, issue 1 (2006)
Other writing
- Focus on the Scientist - Michel Van den Bergh, contribution to the spring 2024 issue of “17 Gauss Way”
The Flowers of Maths, translated as “Les Fleurs des Maths’’, contribution to “Les Déchiffreurs - Voyage en mathématiques”, eds. Jean-François Dars, Annick Lesne et Anne Papillault, Éditions Belin, 2008 (English version “The Unravelers - Mathematical Snapshots”, 2008, AK Peters/CRC Press) Photo by Jean-François Dars.
The Distance,
for my father Bob Lowen, who invented Approach Theory
The Poet of the World, dedicated to Alfred North Whitehead
Achtertuin, a musing on time (in Dutch)